So many monkeys!

Wow, thanks to everyone for participating in the first of 12 monkeys. We had loads of people list all the jobs they’ve had. I hope you all had fun doing it — I certainly had fun reading them!

In honor of the success of this monkey, here are two interesting monkey links:

Keep an eye out for the next monkey — middle of next month!

12 Monkeys: Jobs I’ve done…

As promised, below is my list of jobs blork has done, in roughly chronological order. It does not include babysitting my nieces and nephews when I was 15. It starts with my first real paying (summer) job and proceeds to my current position. It includes a few volunteer jobs, but only those ones which I consider to be, or have been, of some value.

This is an interesting exercise, because I’ve always had a phobia about being stuck “without options.” I’ve always envied these people who manage to find a way to scrape out a living wherever they are, doing whatever it takes. I’ve always feared that I can’t do anything worth getting paid for, that I was condemned to a life on the margins of employment, getting by on unemployment insurance cheques and under-the-table pizza delivery jobs.

Then I look at the list. While few of the jobs have a lot of career potential, I find it amazing that I’ve always managed to find work when I needed it.

Please join in and make a similar list on your blog. But remember: this is not a meme, it’s a monkey!

  • Glider pilot training school: ground crew. Best perk: free flying time!
  • Part-time sales clerk: electronics shop. I was still in high school. It was great for beer and gas money.
  • Waiter: rough & tumble tavern in Sydney, N.S. (The Shingle Inn.) This job only lasted a couple of months. Then I went back to being just a customer.
  • Newspaper circulation gopher. Don’t ask…
  • Encyclopedia Salesman. One day. I swear it was for only one day!
  • “Auditor”: small town cable TV company. Climb utility poles and bust cable pirates. Best perk: learned how to pirate cable.
  • “Under the table” construction worker. Hey, I’m a Nova Scotian who was unemployed at the time. It’s a rite of passage.
  • “Director of Internal Publicity” (read: poster-maker) for UCCB Student’s Union. Lots of fun, and free tickets to events!
  • Part-time kitchen helper in a mental hospital. I sometimes wished the inmates had been running the asylum.
  • Part-time sales — Men’s wear (The Bay). A dirty job but someone had to do it.
  • Delivery/setup/operator for college audio-visual department. I did this part-time while I was a student — and simultaneously doing the three jobs mentioned above. It was a busy time.
  • Photo editor — university student newspaper. So rad!
  • Photo editor — university student yearbook. It’s not like I wasn’t already taking photos. I swear, half the photos in the 1985 St. F.X.U. yearbook are from me…
  • Tree Planter. Flies! Damn flies!
  • University housing office clerk (summer). A dull job, but it produced a number of good drinkin’ tales (as in, tales to tell while drinkin’.)
  • Videographer for a pilot project from the Nova Scotia Hearing & Speech Clinic. It’s amazing what you can do with no money but a dedicated team.
  • St. F.X.U. Student’s Union President. More free tickets to events!
  • Communications coordinator for a student lobby group (SUNS). Basically a summer patronage job for having been a good SUNS supporter during my year as Student’s Union Prez.
  • Photographer’s assistant/portrait photographer. The job that brought me to Montreal.
  • Industrial kitchen ventilator cleaner. Under the table. And very, very stinky.
  • Human pharmaceutical guinea pig. Don’t ask. Really.
  • Asshole. Which is to say, telemarketing agent. This didn’t even last half a day, and the whole time I was dreaming of being the heroic whistle-blower.
  • Shipping clerk/truck driver: lingerie factory. Woo hoo! Bras! Slips! Fuzzy pyjamas!
  • Photo researcher — stock photo agency. I don’t think I’ve ever had a boss who infuriated me more than that one.
  • Proofreader/editor (systems theory books). The dullest books on the face of the earth. But at least it got me going down the editorial road.
  • HazMat technician. I got to travel to the (*ahem*) pristine Canadian arctic — and to mop up hazardous materials when I got there.
  • Totally illegal and unqualified food inspector. I’m really not going to say anything about this because I don’t think the statute of limitations is up yet…
  • Travel guide writer/photographer. One of those things that’s a dream job when you apply, a nightmare when you’re doing it, and a dream job in retrospect.
  • Forum moderator, online community (Café Utne). I’ve been doing this since 1995 so that makes me, like, way cooler than you.
  • Technical writer (four different companies). This one qualifies as “career.” And I’m ready to change. Any suggestions?
  • Webmaster (volunteer) for the local chapter of the STC. This is how I learned about making Web sites.
  • Technical/Marketing writer Technically, this is included in the “four different companies” mentioned above, but I thought I would list it separately since marketing writing is so different from hardcore tech writing. Still… any suggestions?

So? How about you?

Monkey see, monkey do!

The turning of the year is traditionally a time of personal reflection — or at least of making lists. As such, over a wine-soaked dinner last night, M and I started telling stories about the various jobs we’ve done over the years. We laughted at the craziness and madness of some of them. M as a rule-defying librarian? Blork as a late-night industrial kitchen de-greaser?

“This is blog-worthy” we said. We also thought it would be fun if people out in the blogosphere were to chime in with their own lists on their blogs — all on the same day. We propose next Wednesday (January 14).

I’ve held dozens of jobs in my time, too many to discuss in detail. I plan to list them all, but to comment on only a few. (In some cases, the job title alone will be comment enough.)

Please participate! A little January introspection is a lovely thing, and it’s even better in bulk!

More: Since M and I only think big, we’re considering making this a monthly event in which we propose a topic a week in advance, and on the middle Wednesday of each month all those who wish to can blog about that topic. We’re not going to get all fancy and coordinated — we just like the idea that once per month a lot of people blog about the same thing. Sort of like the Friday Five, but with no requiement to link to the original or to comment at any central location.

We call it our “12 Monkeys” thing (12 singes), because, well, monkeys are fun, and there’s that thing about if you get enough monkeys typing they’ll eventually write a Shakespearean play, and well, there’s 12 months in a year. M will post the monthly monkey in French and I’ll post it in English.

Wanna play? January’s monkey is “List all the jobs you’ve ever held.” Post it on Wednesday, January 14. One request: put “January’s Monkey” somewhere in the post, to facilitate Google searches. Strike that last bit. Let’s keep it simple.